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Princeton Outdoor Action - Prevent Mild Hypothermia

by:Duran     2020-04-03
A warm environment is a basic in human nature. Essentially, humans are not made to withstand extremely cold surroundings and as an effect, a fatal condition called hypothermia steps in. Hypothermia happens when the core temperature of the body drops dramatically because of cold surroundings, affecting the blood flow and motor skills. Winter athletes are mostly susceptible to hypothermia because they are constantly exposed to snow, cold winds and rain; not to mention the high-activity rate that will rapidly decrease the temperature. The author and head of Princeton University's Outdoor Action program Rick Curtis suggests the use of heated gears while on the slopes to prevent mild hypothermia- the first degree of this ailment. According to a guide published by the university's Outdoor Action Program, improper clothing adds to the cold temperature, exhaustion and dehydration that all cause hypothermia. If the body has a steady heat supply, all of these factors will ultimately take no effect because the core temperature is constantly elevated to match the cold weather. Immediate symptoms such as shivering, goose bumps and lack of motor skills will almost instantly begin to happen once a person is exposed to temperatures that fall under 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Wearing heated gears such as vests, gloves, socks and linings that emit heat will retain, and even elevate the body's temperature under cold weather. The heat stimulates the flow of oxygen-rich blood, dilates the capillaries and provides a cardiovascular boost- a set of bodily functions that effectively wards off the symptomatic effects of hypothermia. Mild hypothermia also causes impairment of judgment and brain functions- a dangerous mix of shortcomings when it comes to skiing and snowboarding. Wearing thermal clothing while playing winter games will not only keep the mind focused on the sport, but will also assure proper body movements under extreme cold. Heated vests provide heat to the chest and back area, while the gloves and socks give therapeutic heat to the limbs to prevent frostbites, pinched nerves and muscle stiffness. Aside from the logical notion that heat fights cold, the benefits of wearing heated gear during winter not only prevents hypothermia, but keeps usual sicknesses such as colds and fever at bay. Heat has been proven to be medically beneficial, and its effects are not limited to pain relief. Having heat during times of cold weather is like eating to survive-we all need it to live. There are many ways to get a set of heated gears, whether online or at the nearest dealer. When buying for the first time, visit , a site that houses hundreds of heated clothing from trusted brands and makes.
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