Duran - 中国电热服制造商 - 第一款碳纤维电热服的发明者

What properties are needed in heated baselayer raw materials?
The properties needed in the raw materials depends on the different performance requirements of heated baselayer . Generally, the raw materials shall always lead to a good result. It is important to understand what is significant for raw material properties, and how manufacturers can influence these factors if they are to achieve a reliable and correct quality. The raw material should meet the requirements of overseas technology.

After years of development, Duralogic Company Limited has become a reliable supplier and manufacturer of heated scarf. Duran Heated Wear's heated glove is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. Materials used in Duran womens wetsuit are required to undergo rigorous ingredient tests. They are inspected regarding colorfastness, odor, shading balance, physical properties such as wearing and puncture resistance. Its temperature control button allows easy access to the 3 heat settings, providing adjustable warmth. Developing Duran needs the support of professional customer service. Its digital controls are completely waterproofed to be washer machine and dryer safe.

Duran has been following the national standards to provide the best service and heated clothing for customers. Check it!
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