Duran - 中国电热服制造商 - 第一款碳纤维电热服的发明者

What to do if it is incomplete heated wear delivery?
If your purchase is missing any parts or items, please notify us as soon as you can. You are insured by Duralogic Company Limited's guarantee.

Duran Heated Wear is heated pants a global supplier and manufacturer with high quality. Duran Heated Wear's heated baselayer is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. During the design, many factors are considered in Duran heated baselayer. They involve foot types, supportive points, comfort level, physical development features, and distribution of stress and weight. Its breathable mesh helps maximize efficient heat transfer. Prompt delivery is such characteristics of Duran Heated Wear. Its breathable mesh helps maximize efficient heat transfer.

Attaching importance of customer service will be beneficial to the development of Duran. Contact!
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